American Pizza Community
The members of the American Pizza Community are committed to sharing best practices on a range of topics. Below are some best practices regarding safety that you may consider implementing in your stores.
Safety Tips for Business Owners
Create safety and security policies and training programs for your business and routinely review those procedures with your employees.
Perform customer “call-backs” before your employee leaves the store to verify the order and to ask that lights at the residence be turned on.
A list of all delivery customers, telephone numbers and the order or delivery should be on file before the driver leaves your store to make any deliveries.
Know how to identify a suspicious order (i.e. the Caller doesn’t really seem to care about the items he or she orders or the prices of the order; the caller isn’t sure of the delivery address or phone number; the caller stumbles on details they should know; there is a lot of background noise, conversation or laughing; the caller sounds intoxicated) .
Include a sign on your delivery vehicles that read, “Drivers carry under $20 at all times” (or whatever limit your business uses).
Your drivers should make regular cash drops at your store after each run
Ensure that your driver’s vehicles are in proper operating condition before making deliveries.
Your drivers should understand that at any point during the delivery process should they feel something is not right it is acceptable for them to immediately return to your store. A voided order is always better than a robbery.
It is recommended that your employees not go alone to the bank to make deposits
Safety Tips for Delivery Drivers
Be alert to vehicles that may be following you. Note vehicle and driver description.
Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid areas that are not well-lit.
If followed, do not exit your vehicle. Lock your doors and go to the nearest safe location and/or call the police.
Be alert to suspicious persons loitering around the delivery address.
Don’t flash money during transactions.
Don’t carry more than $20 cash, including personal money or whatever limit your business uses.
Be cautious of delivery locations that appear unsafe (i.e. vacant, lights are not on, yard has not been maintained, etc.) If you are in doubt, do not leave your vehicle. Drive to the nearest safe location and call your store or return to your store to obtain further instructions from your manager.
Carry yourself with authority-head up, back straight, walk confidently.
If something does not look or feel right, do not make the delivery. Immediately return to your store or go to the nearest safe location.
You should not be redirected to a different address or location after the original order is placed.
Do your best to shine your headlights on the door of the house or apartment as you near delivery.
Park your car as close as possible to the door of the delivery destination or park under a streetlight.
Lock your car and take the keys. Should not leave car running unattended.
Never walk behind a dark building, go to a side door or be called away from plain view by anyone there.
If someone approaches you, keep them an arm’s distance away.
If an emergency occurs, go to a safe location, then dial 911 and wait for the police to arrive at the scene.
Carry a flashlight to illuminate the house numbers and dark areas.
If you feel threatened and your car has a remote alarm, consider activating the alarm if you believe that drawing attention to yourself would not jeopardize your safety.
Know where you are going before you leave your store. It is widely recognized that the number one cause of carjacking is driver getting lost, stopping to ask directions, or stopping the car to look at a map.
If you are the victim of a robbery, remember these tips:
Try to remain calm and follow the instructions of the suspect.
Unless you are in imminent danger of grave bodily harm do not resist.
Assume that the suspect is armed, even if you do not see a weapon.
Call 9-1-1 as soon as possible.
If you can do so without jeopardizing your safety, try to focus on getting a good description of the suspect, his/her car, license plate number and direction of travel.
After the suspect has left, lock yourself in the car or go to the nearest safe location.
Protect any evidence which the suspect may have left behind or touched.
Ask witnesses to remain until police arrive or get their information.
Trust your instincts!
These are suggested best practices, which if followed, potentially could help reduce the risk of robbery. As independent business owners you are not required to use any of these suggestions. Compliance with any and all information provided below does not guarantee that accidents or losses will not occur, nor does it guarantee compliance with all applicable legal requirements. You should consult your own legal counsel concerning your particular facts and circumstances and any specific legal questions you may have regarding the issues addressed in this material.